had originally forked NostrKit a while back, but there was some thing about it I didn’t like. One being that it relied on an older version of secp256k1.swift. I ended up to deciding to start from scratch. I wanted to build a lightweight/low level core sdk that only handled the key stuff, nostr basic types, encoding/decoding, etc. That way, people could build higher level sdks on top of it. I also wanted to make sure it ran on as many platforms as possible. Right now the core library should work on all apple platforms + linux + windows. I started already building a higher level client sdk that handles the socket layer, subscriptions, etc which is what Im using for Seer. The idea for Seer is to start with macOS since I can distribute that without going through the App Store. This will speed up development. Then I’ll move on to iOS, iPadOS. Eventually if things are going well Id like to use something like Swift Adwaita and build a linux GTK4 application. Windows is another story in terms of swift. As far as I understand it there aren’t any viable swift socket libraries that work on windows. I’ll have to investigate that later.

Anyways, sorry for the long response. I will dive into nostr-sdk-ios. Maybe there’s no need for what I’ve built. Lol. I just like building things myself so I understand how they work. 

Thanks for sharing. Also, if you need contributors Id be glad to help knock out some features on the todo list :)